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New Companion

imageJust ‘friended’ a new female farm kitten today. Joan was shocked. No name as yet, but as it was in the cow barn, “Stinky” was Joan’s first choice. Gave it a quick bath and that helped…. A little. Born in March and her mom was reputed to be a great mouser.

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I have used a simple daily Bible reading plan for some years. It works this way: there are 31 chapters in the book of Proverbs and 150 chapters to the book of Psalms. So, each day, I read the chapter of Proverbs that matches the date of the day.

For example, today on March 20th I read Proverbs 20. Likewise, I read Psalms 20. But there is a wrinkle on Psalms, I add 30 to Psalms 20 and also read Psalms 50, and Psalms 80, and Psalms 110 and finally Psalms 140. Thus, you read 1 chapter of Proverbs and 5 chapters of Psalms every day.

At the beginning of each month, you start over. At the end of the year, you will have read Proverbs and Psalms about a dozen times.

I sometimes will spread the Psalms through the day, especially of one or more are rather long.

There you have it, a simple daily devotional.

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A Time for Choosing

At a campaign stop, Barack Obama told his supporters, “Don’t get mad, vote! Voting is the best revenge!” These two sentences encapsulate as well as others the ultimate mindset and worldview of the far left. They are in a continual struggle to achieve their dystopian utopia and when they lose, there is need for revenge. Ultimately, this appeal to carnal, base motives is destructive for a civil society.

Mitt Romney seized on this and said instead, “Vote for love of country!” In my mind at least, MacArthur’s farewell address to the West Point graduates comes to mind where he repeated, “Duty, Honor, Country” over and over.

There are two definite choices for the voters, perhaps an even starker contrast than at any other time. Put aside the last 4 years just for a moment, just look at two diametrically opposed world views: the left sees the need to destroy our society and enlists a warrior cult to go to the streets and seize power in any way possible. We conservatives seek to return to a civil society where we respect on another, our personal privacy, our desires to seek our own achievements and enjoy the fruits of our own work.

That contrast was on display, but in a muted way, in 2008 at the first election of Barack Obama. The faux Greek columns behind Obama’s podium provided a look into how he saw himself as the conquering demi-god. It is now undisguised, raw and visceral. Mitt Romney, appeals to the traditional values of our founders, Obama wants to destroy his opposition.

Yes, we have a time for choosing, borrowing from Ronald Reagan, of two visions for America. On November 6th, I will cast my vote for love of country. Please choose wisely.


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